
Renee at her 17th century-style treadle wheel
Newspaper clipping of Renee with teacher Master Potter Kimura Kada
Master Potter Jasper Bond checking his kiln's progress

Renee's love for making pottery occurred completely by happenstance. As a graduate student and Saint Cloud State University, she took a ceramics class to bring balance to her course-load. What resulted was a life-long passion with clay.

At Saint Cloud State, Renee became a student of faculty member, Master Potter Jasper Bond* who introduced her to Japanese mingei pottery traditions. This philosophy of adept craftspeople creating everyday objects of beauty resonated with Renee, inspiring her to seek an apprenticeship in Japan.

In Japan, Renee studied with Master Potter Kimura Kada; living with his family and learning all aspects of traditional Japanese production pottery.

Upon returning to the US, Renee continued her studies as apprentice to Jasper Bond, learning English throwing techniques, kiln building, and using a traditional English 17th century design treadle wheel.

Establishing her pottery business in 1991, Renee presented her work in art-fairs throughout the midwest but then transitioned to whole-sale production. Over the past two decades, she has continued to produce wares for businesses and non-profits nation-wide while raising two wonderful daughters.

Now, as a recent empty nester, Renee has been branching out to share her knowledge of and passion for clay. She is the Ceramic Arts Specialist at the Great River Arts center in Little Falls, MN where she is constantly scheming up new ways to use the arts to create community connections.

Renee's work reflects her pottery linages yet also emulates the balance of patterns, colors, textures, and shapes that she perceives while walking in the woods or kayaking on the water. Her work reflects the joy, tranquility and inspiration she receives from Mother Nature.

*Jasper Bond: Apprentice to Tatsuzō Shimaoka (Shōji Hamada’s 1st apprentice), 1978; assistant to Michael Cardew, 1976; assistant to potter/teacher Glenn Nelson 1974-1976; studied with: Walter Keeler (summer 1985), Warren Mackenzie and John Reeves (summer 1977), Walter Hyleck (summer 1974). Master of Education (1976), BA (art) (1969).